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Purple espressione

Dilema sem neh~
Saturday, March 17, 2012 | 3:43 PM | 0 comments
Hello kamu2 semua yg duk ngadap lappy tu!!

Sehatkah anda??sudaa mkn ke blom?? Ad yg demam x?? Kalo ad kita satu geng laaa~ T_T

Okeh balik pada tajuk...sem neh scra official nyer CS dh jadi student part 3 in bachelor of chemical engineering..tough x tough xpyh ckp laaa...skang xrasa lg tp tgk laa in a few weeks nnti..nk tido pon xcukup masa...*sigh

Dilema utk sem neh adalah bila kna amek CPP(2) which stand for chemical processes principle 2..bukan xnk ambik tp disbbkn lecturer 'super best', diri neh mcm kera kna belacan bila duk dalam klas dgr lecture..lecturer yg sblom neh best time mngajar(not a sarcasm) pon CS byk maen2..xconcentrate sgt, ni kn plak lecturer yg 'super best'...lg laa xbleh nk concentrate...maaf miss, saya ckp bnda sbnar saya rasa T_T

Seriously, sgt takut bila pikir utk subjek neh...for other subjects, alhamdullillah bleh cope up stakat neh..cuma CPP je yg xfhm apa2 bila msuk lecture...adoyaiii

Harap2 keadaan akn jadi makin baik after this..xkn nk drop kot, xmau...aissshh..apepon2 pon wish me luck yea ^^

p/s: harap2 esok badan daa sehat...xmo jatuh saket...to my rummate pon, diyana cpat2 smbuh..makan ubat yea syg

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